Join the Men of the Breakfast to get exclusive access to unique experiences in Orange County. Featuring one-of-a-kind car collections with our Garages of Orange County series and other exciting networking events, this is where you want to be. Connect with local business leaders while ALSO helping Orange County's most vulnerable families transition from surviving to thriving.
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If you have any questions, please contact Mike Olson, Director of Major| 949.263.6127
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*For gifts to other nonprofits that qualify as 501(c)(3) tax deductible organizations, a processing fee of 5% will be applied. Some exceptions may apply to Leaders United and Tocqueville Society members - please contact your campaign manager for more details. In order to keep processing costs low for our donors, designated gifts must be at least $120 to each nonprofit organization. 5% processing fee will be waived, for donations of $1,000 or more with at least 25% designation to OCUW.
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